There is a known issue with Microsoft’s March Security Patch Rollup (KB 4088875), which is breaking the network connection for the device after the patch is installed and the device is rebooted.

Microsoft has not yet officially acknowledged this issue or provided any steps for a fix. In the meantime, our team has been testing remediation steps for this issue. If this patch was installed and your device was rebooted, we recommend you take any of the following steps to restore the network connection:

  1. Manually update the network settings to revert back to the original configuration.
  2. If the machine has not yet been rebooted, you can uninstall the patch to avoid any issues
  3. Manually deploy a script, which was used to correct a similar issue in a previous patch rollup. More details here.

We will continue to monitor for any updates from Microsoft or if any new errors are discovered.

We have immediately globally blacklisted this patch for our Managed IT Service Customers to prevent this from being installed on all resources until we receive further information from Microsoft.


Remove The Update Before It Breaks Your Network Adapter

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