If you haven’t taken time yet to prepare your home and business for a possible hurricane or tropical storm your time may be running out.  After a quiet start, conditions in the Atlantic are heating up.  A tropical wave over Africa forecast likely to develop into a tropical depression over the weekend and hurricane activity in the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico is forecast to continue to ramp up over the next few of weeks.   The prediction for a busy September this year following an unusually quiet August for the Atlantic. For the first time since 2013, no hurricanes formed in August in the Atlantic basin.

Before Florence comes to town (The next tropical storm or hurricane in the Atlantic basin will be called Florence.) Take some time to review your hurricane plan and make sure proper precautions are put in place.  By taking the initiative to start planning now, you can create a plan that will have you fully prepared in the event of a disaster. While securing plans for your home and loved ones, take some time to focus on the future of your business or work place.

Consider the following hurricane preparations now.

  • Prepare. Update your Hurricane and Disaster Plans. Being prepared is half the battle.
  • Redundancy.  Consider adding backup systems and alternatives to get back in operation quicker.  Generators, Wireless Internet Hotspots & Routers are great and relatively inexpensive options you can put in place and have ready year round.
  • Backup.  It goes without saying that having reliable data backup is crucial at anytime not just during a storm.  If you don’t have nightly backups and/or cloud back services you are putting your business at jeopardy.  Viruses, Malware,  Ransomware and mechanical failure are all almost inevitable at some point.  Reduce your risk and backup at a minimum daily.
  • Cloud. There are lots of cloud services out there that will help facilitate continued operations from remote locations.  We can quickly help migrate your email and even file storage to safe online storage using Office 365.
  • Support. Consider a monthly support agreement as this provides the best way to document your systems and recover after a disaster.  You will also receive the best support and proactive management all year long!
  • Don’t Wait! Most computer support and technology companies will be overrun addressing their current customers needs both ahead of and after a storm passes with little time available for new customers.

Call TMD Technology Services today to discuss how you can better prepare your business ahead of hurricane season. (561) 404-9251

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