Security threats come in various forms and from many different directions. You’ve probably heard of viruses, trojans, keyloggers and ransomware. Want to know what many of these threats have in common? They can all be the result of phishing attacks.

Bad actors use bait – usually in the form of a seemingly legitimate email, file attachment or link — to “phish” for victims. These emails can be incredibly hard to tell as they often mimic legitimate emails that you receive on a regular basis.  Because this bait is usually spread via email, it’s hard for security software to filter out. That’s what makes it so scary.

Even if you have security software, phishing is a serious threat, one that can expose you to ransomware. Here's how to avoid these dangerous emails.

Top Scary Computer Hacks That Could Affect YOUR Business This October

Top Scary Computer Hacks That Could Affect YOUR Business This October: 2018 Edition

2017 was a terrible year for the digital world and 2018 ain’t no better. Think your computer is safe from potential hackers? You’re wrong. Ghouls and witches aren’t the only scary thing this October! Vicious Ransomware, Malware, and Viruses are on the loose, and if not taken seriously, could dangerously affect your computer.

1) Gandcrab Ransomware

Gancrab was first discovered January of this year. This pesky bug encrypted users’ files and extorted a ransom in Cryptocurrency (DASH In particular).

Soon, Gancrab v1 was stopped in its tracks at the end of February. A decryptor was created and distributed online. Letting victims re-obtain their files without having to deal with the ransom.

Within one week (March), Gancrab v2 was released in the digital world. Tougher than it’s sibling before. Evolved from ransoming Crypto to attaching itself to personal Email.

Gancrab v3 got personal and changed it’s victim’s desktop wallpaper to a ransom note:

“We are sorry, but your files have been encrypted!

 Don’t Worry, we can help you to return all your files!

Files Decryptor’s Price Is $900 USD

 If Payment isn’t made until (date) the cost of decrypting files will be doubled”

Scary hu? What a way to put pressure on the victim!

Last but not least, Gancrab v4 was created soon after, and unfortunately armed with an abundance of updates, including a brand-new encryption algorithm. Using a microscopic algorithm (TEA) to be undetected, unless you REALLY look or have a program looking out for it specifically, Gancrab v4 is a vicious little bug.

Furthermore all encryptions have .KRAB instead of CRAB. They changed the way the ransomware attack its victims. Now spreading through fake software crack sites, once a user downloads and run a fake “stuffing” crack, the ransomware is then attached to the computer like a leech!

When you finally run this file, your computer is in Gancrab’s clutches.

Steps Gancrab v4 Goes For The Kill:

  •  Using fast (TEA) encryption algorithm to avoid detection, it creates itself a plain file.
  • Once the decryption is complete, Gancrab v4 wastes no time and drop a nasty virus.
  • Checks the list of the following processes obtaining CreateToolhelp32Snapshot API and terminate running programs.
  • Stops any antivirus programs from running.
  • Starts to encrypt victim’s files then delivers a ransom note on the user’s desktop.

How to prevent Gancrab Ransomware:

Computer Support

2) Trojan Glupteba

Not as severe as Gancrab, but this bug is one of the most annoying ones. There are so many variants of Trojan Glupteba, there’s too many to count. We’ll be here all day if we do. So many functionalities this bug entails, its insane.

How can Trojan Glupteba infect your computer? EASY, this bad boy can sneak into your computer data with ease using a file dropped by other malware. It gets away with it too, by pretending to be an authentic software.

Communicating with the user’s IP address, Glupteba gets to know the user pretty well. (whether the user likes it or not). It diverts the traffic towards unknown domains.

If You Have This Happening To You, Contact a Managed IT Service Immediately: Professional Virus Removal

It’s suspicious when you try to visit Facebook but somehow you end up in or instead.

How To Prevent Trojan Glupteba:

  • Enable Web and Email filters
  • Browse Safely
  • Regularly Update Your Antivirus Program (Hire an IT professional for a Virus Removal Service)

3) Kuik Adware

Kuik is a simple yet annoying piece of Adware. Some of the worst bugs we’re facing this year. This pesky guy takes the form of a malware & adware. It pretends to be the actual Adobe Flash Player “update”.

Of course when someone notice their Flash Player needing an update, some people don’t think twice and fall victim to Kuik Adware’s clutches.

This obnoxious adware is equip with legimite flash player modules, .exe file named ‘upp.exe’. Once in your computer’s system, it communicates with all established network interface and adds a DNS:

Of course, like all the others, starts to collect the user’s data. Then forwards it to it’s hosting domain,

As soon as the domain reaches the server, it’s game over. It then activates malicious tasks on the system (including Chrome Extension) from unknown sources, crypto miners, etc. etc.

How To Prevent Kuik Adware:

  • Regularly Backup Important Data & Files
  • Update Your Antivirus & Spyware Programs
  • Block Any Spam Email with File Types: exe / pif / url / vb/ vbe/ com/ reg / cer / pst / cmd / bat / dll / dat / hta / js / wsf

4) Magniber Ransomware

Magniber is another vicious ransomware coming your way! Well… mostly in Asia, however, stay on your toes with this one! To be unlucky as to fall victim to Magniber is bad news. Don’t think less about this bug only cause it’s mostly affecting people in Asia, it’s slowly making its way over and the numbers are skyrocketing.

This unique Ransomware is spread through malvertisements.

What’s a Malvertisement? Infected web pages that redirects the user to a Magnitude Exploit kit website. Fun fact, it’s the eldest of most malicious browser toolkits that’s surprisingly still in use today to distribute ransomware. Go figure.

As soon as Magniber Ransomware James Bond’s it’s way into the user’s system, it immediately starts encrypting data. It uses a unique key to crack into your system obtaining what it needs to add further damage.

Once encrypted, it adds .dyaaghemy extension to all the files encrypted.

Towards the bottom on the files, you’ll find a file labeled, “Read Me”. There you’ll find the terrifying ransom note unique to each victim:

“Your documents, photos, database, and other important files have been encrypted!

Warning: Any attempts to restore your files with the 3rd party software will be fatal to your files. WARNING

To decrypt your software you need to buy the special software – “My Decryptor”

All transactions should be performed via Bitcoin network.

Within 5 days you can purchase this product at a special price: BTC 0.35

After 5 days the price of this product will increase up to BTC 0.700”

Creepy right?

The encrypted files are bugged with a unique key. Surprisingly, no patterns visible at first glance. This ransomware is scary as is, however it continues to grow and expand. It’s a major issue in Asia, but, it’s making its way to the US. It’s best to stay on your toes!

If you’re a business experiencing activity like this contact a professional immediately. A Business It Support is something your business need to stay safe as well as stay protected from future danger your computer might undergo.

How To Prevent Magniber Ransomware:

Regularly storing files in a cloud backup is ideal and the perfect backup plan for worse case scenarios. If you have valuable information that needs to be protected by all means, hire a professional managed IT service.

If you’re a business owner, it’s worth while to look into a Server Management service.

5) Thanatos Ransomware

Newer than its counterpart Gancrab, this guy is making its way through the tech world with ease. Remember the ILOVEYOU computer virus some time ago? Very similar.

Some of the most difficult ransomware to decrypt in 2018. It creates a randomly generated key every time for encryption. Which makes this malware hard to catch, and recover.

Soon after, it drops a payload (a.k.a. The all famous ransom note) in the user’s system in the form of the hacker’s favorite: .exe file or .txt file

Which is then set for auto run and opens every time the system is restarted. Thanatos Ransomware will start adding “.thanatos” extensions to infect your files. Soon enough, the user will receive a ransom note on it’s system.

How To Prevent Thanatos Ransomware:

  • Disable macros & Activex when using MS Office products
  • Backup your files & data regularly
  • Update your operating systems & applications

Whether it’s a business computer or a personal computer, running into malicious malware, ransomware or computer virus isn’t on anyone’s to-do list.

When you’ve done all you can, updating your pc’s operating system, updated your current antivirus program, avoid anything suspicious and somehow still fell victim, don’t be ashamed! This could happen to anyone. These malware are designed to trick even the most careful of users.

You won’t be the first victim, nor be the last! Hiring professional Managed IT Service might be something you need this October. It’s towards the end of the year, which is every hacker’s favorite season, right around the holidays.

Keep your PC and business computer safe from malware / ransomware with an antivirus and malware protection plan.

A Virus Removal service will be taken care of by a professional who seen this issue before and will know what to do right away to help save your computer from current / potential danger it might undergo.

3 Ways to Increase Laptop Security While On-The-Go

Laptop Security

1). Physical Laptop Security

When it comes to Laptop Security an often overlooked aspect is the physical security of the device. There are ways to lock your laptop down from outside of the machine. First, be sure that your laptop bag is always on your person, or that you use a padlock to keep the zipper securely closed. Most work benches at the airport have legs that you can easily secure the carry strap to. Or you can utilize a cable lock to secure it to something like a chair fastened to the ground or a building pillar.

Second, always keep a Kensington lock in your bag, and break it out every single time that you use your laptop in a public area. These are inexpensive, and you can always ask your IT provider if they have any spares. Trust us, if you’re showing initiative to protect company assets, your company will listen.

If you are in a hotel, a good way to keep your belongings safe is to put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door. If that is posted, then the only foot traffic that should be in your room is your own. If something turns up missing and you and the Hotel are the only people with keys to your room, then this helps narrow down the search for the thief.

2). Laptop Security Software

We’re not talking about computer security like Webroot or Norton here, but something more along the lines of location software. Some examples of this may be Lojack for Laptops if you have a Windows machine, or Find My Mac if you are an Apple user. To help protect your information, these applications will setup passcodes that the thief will have to hack to bypass. Also, they can provide the location of your device if it’s missing or stolen.

3). Lock Screens & Timeouts

This might seem really simple but setting short timeouts on your computer and phone and requiring passwords to unlock can reduce the chance for someone to plant harmful software or steal data.

4). Backup Solution

If, in fact, your device does go missing, you know as well as we do that your work can’t be put on hold. It will continue to pile up – causing a mess of inconveniences – but the world doesn’t stop, even if your laptop is stolen. You need to be able to back up your most valuable data and recover it at a moment’s notice with a legitimate backup solution. And we’re not just talking about a file backup like Dropbox or Google Drive. A truly reliable backup solution allows for virtualizations of your laptop, so you can login to this virtual copy of your machine and it’s just like you’re sitting in front of it again.

The tropical Atlantic is ramping up as the peak of hurricane season approaches

Hurricane Office Protection

If you haven’t taken time yet to prepare your home and business for a possible hurricane or tropical storm your time may be running out.  After a quiet start, conditions in the Atlantic are heating up.  A tropical wave over Africa forecast likely to develop into a tropical depression over the weekend and hurricane activity in the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico is forecast to continue to ramp up over the next few of weeks.   The prediction for a busy September this year following an unusually quiet August for the Atlantic. For the first time since 2013, no hurricanes formed in August in the Atlantic basin.

Before Florence comes to town (The next tropical storm or hurricane in the Atlantic basin will be called Florence.) Take some time to review your hurricane plan and make sure proper precautions are put in place.  By taking the initiative to start planning now, you can create a plan that will have you fully prepared in the event of a disaster. While securing plans for your home and loved ones, take some time to focus on the future of your business or work place.

Consider the following hurricane preparations now.

  • Prepare. Update your Hurricane and Disaster Plans. Being prepared is half the battle.
  • Redundancy.  Consider adding backup systems and alternatives to get back in operation quicker.  Generators, Wireless Internet Hotspots & Routers are great and relatively inexpensive options you can put in place and have ready year round.
  • Backup.  It goes without saying that having reliable data backup is crucial at anytime not just during a storm.  If you don’t have nightly backups and/or cloud back services you are putting your business at jeopardy.  Viruses, Malware,  Ransomware and mechanical failure are all almost inevitable at some point.  Reduce your risk and backup at a minimum daily.
  • Cloud. There are lots of cloud services out there that will help facilitate continued operations from remote locations.  We can quickly help migrate your email and even file storage to safe online storage using Office 365.
  • Support. Consider a monthly support agreement as this provides the best way to document your systems and recover after a disaster.  You will also receive the best support and proactive management all year long!
  • Don’t Wait! Most computer support and technology companies will be overrun addressing their current customers needs both ahead of and after a storm passes with little time available for new customers.

Call TMD Technology Services today to discuss how you can better prepare your business ahead of hurricane season. (561) 404-9251

How do I Fix “TLS 1.2 validation failed” error in Quickbooks Pro 2015?

Are you getting a TLS 1.2 Error After Installing Windows 10 April 2018 Update


Checking off TLS 1.2 in IE probably wont help but luckily there is a fix available.

  1. First, close out of your QuickBooks Desktop application.
  2. Proceed to the second step which is running the TLS 1.2 Readiness tool. This tool helps in updating your system to become TLS 1.2 compliant, so it meets all Windows Operating System, Internet Explorer and .Net requirements. This tool is available from Intuit.
  3. Finally reopen your QuickBooks Application again and your error should be gone.

Please take note that QuickBooks Desktop 2015 is no longer supported by Intuit. You may receive errors when updating the program and eventually may have other issues.

What is TLS? – Transport Layer Security Protocol

Schannel supports versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. This protocol is an industry standard designed to protect the privacy of information communicated over the Internet. TLS assumes that a connection-oriented transport, typically TCP, is in use. The TLS protocol allows client/server applications to detect the following security risks:

  • Message tampering
  • Message interception
  • Message forgery

The full specification of the TLS Protocol is available from the IETF website: